Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Counting Fingers

Posted by Nica at 7:54 PM
Since we moved to our new house last Sunday, Gabby's afternoons became play time with her classmate KIM who lives next door to us. Today we had KIM come over for snacks because it is her 8th birthday. They were telling me stories about school life when we got to math.

I learned that she only got 53% in a substraction quiz in Math. She never liked subtraction. But what caught my attention aside from her poor grade was the fact that they were borrowing fingers. It turns out that when they need extra digits to add or subtract numbers more than 10, they borrow extra fingers from their seatmate. It amused me for a while but it also worried me. Time to pay attention to her arithmetic skills!


Scarlett on April 17, 2022 at 3:22 AM said...

Grateful for shaaring this


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